APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY: A Practical Guide to the Teenage Year P3


Raise your hand if you've ever had a 200 pound giant with muscles like bowling balls pin you to his lap, offer fatherly words of advice, and then whale the tar out of you with a hairbrush the size of a canoe? 

I would raise my hand, if my hand wasn't so busy hanging on to my ass.  

Doctor Nelson kept me, kicking, screaming and promising to simonize his driveway, over his knees for an hour and a half.  All of that wasn't straight spanking time  I would be in intensive care now if it had been  but most of it was.   In between the screaming and the walloping, Doctor Nelson pointed out his view of life, the world and my faults.  His psychoanalytic view of my problems was very simple  I was a fucked up kid and he was going to spank the devil out of me. 

"Our counselors here at the clinic have studied the behavior of teenagers since the late fifties,"Doctor Nelson said.  "And we observed that when Doctor Spock advised parents to lay down the hairbrush, he opened the door for anarchy.   It's really simple, Stuart.   No matter how evolved human beings get, they remain animals at heart.  They have some complex learned behaviors and some simple instinctive ones.   The learned behaviors are easy to modify, but the instinctive ones only respond to primitive stimuli reactions.    Without those primitive stimuli, spanking to be specific, the basic human loses control."

All the time that Nelson was giving me the benefit of this, I was trying to get off his god damn lap, but he kept me in place without even grunting.   

"The point is, Stuart, that we have found that spanking is an essential part of human control.   Like so many perfect innovations, people have ignored its exquisite refinements and the wisdom that went into them.   The lack of spanking has brought about much of the turmoil that humans go through in our society  directionlessness, loss of focus, lack of identity, feelings of abandonement.  Spanking provides one of the most primary and essential parent/child bonding experiences.  Without it, a human   begins to suffer systems failure." 

"And thatıs what I have to address in you, Stuart, systems failure.  You're alienated, unconnected.  You need contact with another adult male who makes direct and intense contact with you, emotionally and physically."  

"When I have taught you, then you will be ready to return to society."

This hit me immediately. 

"What do you mean by when  My dad's picking me up in a little......"

"No, Stuart," your father will pick you up when we tell him that you are ready for reintegration.  Before that we have to complete your training."  Doctor Nelson rested the hairbrush on my vibrating behind.  "And your father's training," he added.  "And now, I'm afraid that it's time to continue where we left off.

By the time my session with hairbrush had come to an end, I had turned into a gibbering infant.  The pain seemed to reach a peak at which point I just reverted to a whole different level than I knew I could get to.   I cried "Daddy" to Doctor Nelson, when I begged him to stop spanking me.  And when he lifted me off of his knee and stood me in front of him, dancing and around and grabbing my inflamed ass, I actually let the guy blow my nose for me with his pocket handkerchief. 

Doctor Nelson put his arm around me while I continued to sob and shake.   He spoke to me gently.   "I'm sorry that I had to spank you, Stuart, but that's what a man has to do with a an unruly boy.  It isn't easy to grow up, and young men like yourself needs concrete reminders of what's good and what's bad."

Doctor Nelson lead me to the closet and opened the door.   "I think itıs time that you made yourself at home  this is going to be your home for a while."

For a moment, I jerked away from Doctor Nelson and caught myself about to argue, but then I saw that he still gribbed that damn hairbrush in his right hand and I caught myself.   I didn't want any more time with that wood, no way, Jose!

Doctor Nelson said, "This is your wardrobe closet, Stuart  all the clothes in it will fit you as you'll see."

Doctor Nelson reached in and took out a hanger.  On it was a sweatshit and a pair of jeans.  They looked okay, but when he handed them to me I noticed something odd about the jeans.   I pulled them off  the hanger and held them up. 

"What is this?"  I asked outraged.  The jeans had been designed with a snap-flap at the back, a sort of rear entrance that was snapped shut with about twelve metal snaps.

"You know what it is," Dr. Nelson said calmly, "it's an expedient way for me to access your backside when you require a correction.  When I'm in a hurry, I can just throw you over my knee and pull down your hiene hole seat.   When I have more time, I can be more traditional and take down your britches" 

Doctor Nelson's pipe had gone into his pocket sometime during the mayhem that he had wreaked on my bare butt.  Now he took it out again and started loading it up.  You could tell that Dr. Nelson loved that briar because he always packed it so full that a little mound of tobacco rose over the top of the bowl.  He took out a special pipe lighter and got it going.  

"I'd better tell you right now," he said, blowing out a cloud of smoke, "that we've had boys that needed so much correction, that they weren't permitted to wear trousers at all.   That wasn't a problem when they were in their rooms, but during recreation time, it can be quite embarrassing."

"What's recreation time?" I asked.

"It's part of the socialization process," Doctor Nelson said.  "We put you into a group with other young people of your age and monitor how you get along.   We look for signs of anti-social behavior and....."

"Yeah, I know," I cut in, "you spank  our little fannies."   I couldn't keep from being sarcastic.  Maybe the pain in my ass had gone down to a dull roar and that part of my brain had come back to say, "Hello."   "You, know this is really sick!  HEY!!!!!"

Doctor Nelson gritted his teeth, pipe clench in his incisors and grabbed me by the neck.  It hurt and I clenched up, but he only tightened his hold. 

"You have a nasty, nasty mouth, my boy," Dr. Nelson snorted.

He yanked me across the room toward the bureau.   It was then that I saw that there was a sink and solitary toilet hidden on the far side of the bureau. 

Doctor Nelson shoved me up to the sink and rammed his right knee between my legs.  I yelped as he pressed upwards on my balls and dick.   He was also so large, that in that position, it literally forced me to be sitting on his knee. 

He forced my head forward and turned on the water tap.

"Get off me, get off me!!" I shouted.   The doctor's grip on my neck brought out my fighting spirit and I forgot about my ass almost being reduced to pate.  "What the fuck are you up to."

Doctor Nelson bent me down and down until my head was in the sink. 

"I am going to scrub out that nasty mouth, Stuart.  Did your father ever wash your mouth out with soap?" he asked.

"No, goddamn it," I shouted.

"Obviously," he said and rammed a colossal bar of soap into my mouth.   I choked, but he didn't care.  He kept work that soap in and out of my mouth until I was gagging on soap suds and foam ran down my lips and onto my chest.  But he didn't let up.   He lifted his knee, pressing harder against my cock, and taking my feet right off the floor.   My head was completely unside down in the sink and Doctor Nelson soaped my mouth with ferocity.

"Don't you ever, ever, use bad language, do you understand?"

"Glugh," I said.

Chunks of soap were scraping off on my teeth and adding to the mess in my mouth as Doctor Nelson worked away as though he were cleaning out a filthy toilet bowl....I guess he though he was.
He dropped the soap and shoved his hairy paw into my mouth.   Using his fingertips, he made sure that every tooth, and corner of my mouth was scrubbed squeakly clean.  I retched when he worked the soap right at the base of my tongue scouring it again and again until my eyes ran with tears.

Then he dragged me back to the chair and hauled me over his knee again.  This time, however, he ripped the blue hospital robe right off me and took me naked on his lap.  Again he resorted to just the flat of his hand to deliver over two hundred swats to my bare bottom.

Once again, he reduced me to a sobbing, puling specimen.   He picked me up under his arm, as limp as a puppy, and threw me onto the bed.

"Get dressed!" he said.   "I'll be back this evening to work on another vital part of your therapy, something we have to institute with all recalcitrant types like yourself.  We have to reduce you to a much more juvenile state and reestablish your potty training."

With those ominous words, Doctor Nelson pushed the chair back under the desk (neat as a frigging pin), unlocked the door, and left me with my burning ass and burning mouth.

(to be continued in Part 4 of APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY)