Bartender's Revenge

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I wasn't old enough to drink back then, but living in West Virginia we had a bar in a small town called the Miner's Club.  It was a social club for the coal miners in town.  Being in the back woods, no one really cared if you were of age or not.  Frank was the bartender and didn't take crap from the patrons.

Some of my buddies got rowdy one night and busted up the place while drunk.  I wasn't with them, but Frank thought I was guilty by association.  The next night I went into the club just before closing time.  No one was in the bar except for Frank and I.  Frank was angry and out for revenge.  When he saw me walk in he went crazy yelling and telling me how us young punks needed to be taught a lesson.  I started to get excited and told him he was right, and that he should punish me himself, even though I wasn't with them. 

He said I was correct and asked me what I thought he should do.  With nervous breath, I told him I thought he should spank me right then and there in the bar.  He agreed and came around the bar and sat down in a chair.  He told me to pull down my pants and bend over his knees.  I refused and said I thought I should be punished naked.  Frank's eyes shone and he told me I had 10 seconds to strip.  I think it took me 5.  Naked I bent over his knees.

 Frank was a muscular old coal miner and I fit over his knees perfectly.  He started spanking me with his strong right hand.  The spanking went on and on.  After some time, he took off his belt and bent me over the pool table.  He started whipping me with it and I started to tear and cry.  He stopped after 20 cracks with the belt and let me stand up.  He said I had been punished enough and I could leave.  I asked him if he would spank me again the next day.  He gladly said yes, and Frank and I became good buddies.  He would spank me anytime I wanted one, and I wanted to be spanked often.