The Strap Again!

Author: Dennis

When I was in grammer school I was no into doing homework. I would go to school without it and then use the usual excuses for not having it. Such as, "the dog ate it", "My little brother tore it up.", etc.

Well eventually the nun called my parents and explained that I had a problem with doing homework and that I would lie about it's whereabouts. I came home from school one day, knowing that the nun had called my mother, and was told that I was going to get a beating that night.

Well as you might guess I was the picture of sainthood that afternoon and early evening hoping that if I was good maybe I would get off of the strapping. When my father came in from work he was pissed! I was reading a part of the bible as part of my homework. He looked at me and said "You had better pray!" Well this shook me up a bit and made me realize that I would not get off.

We ate dinner and as soon as it was over my father said to me, "get upstairs and take off your pants!". I knew better than to plead this time and up the stairs I went. I was again terrified! I went to my room my mind spinning trying to find a way out of this.

Then I heard my father climbing the stairs. I could hear the buckle of the belt (now known, in my house, as the strap) jingling. This sent chills up my spine. When he came into my room I still hadn't taken off my pants. This made him madder. I pleaded again saying that I would be good and would always do my homework.

He ordered me to get those pants off. Again I pleaded. So he raised the strap and said "do you want it across the face??!!". I quickly realized that this was no time to plead. I had better do as I was told. So I carefully removed my pants and folded them. Then I heard the dreaded words. "Take those off too!". I muttered "Oh No" as a chill ran through my body.

Then he told me to bend over the bed. As I did this another chill of terror ran through me and all of my minds attention was directed to my bare ass. As though it was the only part of my body. He folded the belt double and let fly. I heard the swish of the belt through the air and felt it lick my bare flesh. I quickly realized that the in the previous beating my underwear had in fact afforded me with some protection.

Again the swish and WHACK!! The pain was all encompassing. I could feel the strap strike my ass and the edge would lash around and leave a vicious welt. I was crying uncontrollably and kicking my feet but he just kept laying them on. I got 5 or 6 lashes that night and before I went to bed I went into the bathroom and examined my striped ass. Feeling the lash marks and the welts on my right cheek and somehow deriving a strange sort of pleasure. It still wasn't a turn on as such but there was something exciting still the same.