Punishment Spankings For Adults

Second Story By

Jason L. Parker jlpspanker@hotmail.com


Many of you reading this story, have read my other true-life stories posted on the Jimka M/M Archive. On that site, I have over 30 true life disciplinary spanking stories of boys and some girls, starting with some of my own boyhood punishments. Unlike those Jimka stories, the reports on this site, Lee's Spanking Site, are true punishment stories of consenting adults, not boys.

At the time of this story, I currently spank 7 consenting adults on a regularly scheduled basis. These adults are 5 male and 2 female, ages 19 to 41. The purpose of these regularly scheduled punishment spankings are just like that of a child, to modify and improve behavior. Do these actual adult punishment spankings accomplish their purpose? Absolutely!

In all of these cases, one of which is chronicled here, a written agreement is signed between the other person and myself. In this agreement, specific goals are stated, with corresponding spanking penalties for not reaching these goals. All of the spankings are given at actual punishment strength. Trust me, just like a child, the adult wants to modify their behavior…and reach their goals after a punishment spanking. It is very important to remember as you read this story, this is a real life punishment spanking report.


Jerry is the oldest of the men who have signed off on my agreement. But his circumstances couldn't have been any worse when we started. He answered my alternative newspaper ad. I don't even know how he had the money for the newspaper's 900# ad response line.

Anyway, he was in the crapper of life. At 39 he was divorced, his kids' visitation rights revoked, because he had been arrested for prostitute solicitation. A junior high drop out. Alcoholic and on welfare. Talk about a sad piece of shit. He stood 5' 10", red hair, blue eyes, fair skin, no body hair(rare for a true red head) and a slim build with compact swimmer's buns. Wore size 30 jeans and smoked like a chimney.

He had so many problems, I had to take 2-3 at a time. Otherwise I was going to be turning his butt purple every week. I started with the most important, a GED. He hated that thought, but I insisted that had to happen first.

Over a period of next few months, he went back to school at night so that he could pass the GED exam. Over those months, he got spanked each and every week, Sunday night. He was without a doubt one of the worst students I have ever been around. But, after about his 7th paddling, when he got it bare all the way…hard, 100 swats, he began to wake up.

The connection had been made between his butt and his brain. He realized that if he didn't do what I asked, he ass was not going to be fit to sit on for life. I then began to give him extra assignments in areas he appeared to have an interest. With that, his thirst for knowledge was born. Now he wanted to learn something. Problem number one, on the way to being solved.

We then concentrated on his two vices that he couldn't afford, booze and smoking. In his case monitoring his money was simple. He worked at a convenience store during the day, went to school at night, he lived in subsidized housing. Along with his grade reports, he had to give me an ATM balance sheet one-hour before I got to his place. For each dollar he was short of our goal, 10 paddle swats.

One week he really fell off the wagon, and I had to spank his upper thighs as well as his butt, because he had run out of unspanked surface on his buns. He never was short on his bank account again.

About the time he got his GED, Jerry began to date a woman and he moved in with her. He was getting close, after almost a year and a half to becoming a productive member of society. His girl friend/future wife, had no idea about our spanking meetings. She knew little about his past, other than I had "helped him out."

Then in one of our meetings after he had moved in with his girl friend, he really screwed up…bad.


We had gone to an afternoon meeting time, at his place because of his new family obligations. Plus, his spankings had dropped off dramatically in length and intensity. Like a child, he had acquired enforced learning thru the seat of knowledge, via the board of education. Like a child, he wanted as little to do with my paddle as possible. But, this meeting was going to turn really bad for his butt.

We had gone downstairs for his spanking, when his time sheet records from his pay stub showed me that he had screwed off a day, instead of working. The penalty for that was 20 swats per hour of missed work, and he had just gotten his cotton covered butt paddled hard100 times, the maximum for anyone offense. He got off my lap slowly and rubbed his buns furiously, and stomped his feet…trying hard to get rid of the pain. He knew that a repeat of such a stunt within 90 days earned him a bare butt paddling. He gingerly pulled his jeans up over his white FOLs.

We went back upstairs and spent a good 30 minutes reviewing his night school course work and we were going over his schedule for the following week, when he looked at the bulletin board next to the phone and turned white.

"Oh shit", He looked at me and then back to the clock.

"What did you do now", I asked.

Over several minutes he tried to explain how he had forgotten about a job interview he had scheduled from an employment agency I had sent him to a couple of weeks prior. His appointment was for 1PM, and at 12:50, he was standing in his kitchen with only his jeans and briefs as clothing…plus a 30-40 minute drive.

"Get on the phone now and reschedule…NOW!", I barked.

To his credit he did it, without lying. He was honest with the personnel director of the company, and got the interview postponed to 4PM.

"Now young man, what has gotten you fired from other jobs in the past?", I asked with the paddle still in my hand.

"Forgetting about appointments". He looked down at his toes, now nervously curling under like a naughty schoolboy.

"Jerry, you still haven't learned have you?" I was glaring at him now. He shook his head "no". I went over to my brief case and put the paddle in and took out two silk ties and a razor strap.

I motioned him towards the basement door, and he started nervously stumbling down the stairs, glancing back over his shoulder. He was begging and pleading by the time his bare feet hit the concrete floor. I looked around for something I remembered seeing before. I spotted the old high back barstool against the wall and motioned Jerry to put it in the middle of the floor.

Without responding to his questions and pleadings, I placed him behind the stool and pulled his jeans to his ankles. Then I ordered him to spread his knees as far apart as he could. I then pulled the back of the barstool between his knees, and pushed his body down as I raised the stool back up. In a split second, I had "wheel barrowed" him into a perfect punishment position.

I knelt down, took one of my ties and tied his wrists together, so he couldn't reach back to protect his angled butt. The second tie, secured the jeans lodged at his ankles against the barstool back. In effect, he couldn't move too much…just bounce up and down. And he did bounce.

Now I answered his questions as I massaged his still warm buns, thru the fabric of his briefs. Whenever there is a 30-60 minute delay between real punishment spankings, a person's butt is super sensitive. The natural healing process is just beginning, by opening the skin's pores to get oxygen to the epidermal skin layer. If someone really needs to be punished a second time, now is the time to do it…and Jerry was about ready to experience just how bad this kind of second spanking can be.

(Now, if someone has really fucked up, peel the briefs off and generously coat the already red buns with Super Strength Ben-Gay. They will be going nuts with pain even before the first swat lands. And when that does, plug your ears. I have done that only twice, once in Jimka story and once with one of my adults, and that will be part of a future Lee's site story.)

"I am going to whip your ass with this razor strap Jerry. And you've got it coming don't you…all of it?"

Of course his response was that of a teenager, "give me another chance", "I promise", etc., etc. As begged and pleaded I adjusted his briefs. I rolled his gold and blue striped waistband under once, and then once again and then a third. Now his briefs looked more like hip briefs, with the rolled waistband just above his ass crack's start. I tugged up on the waistband, uncovering about an inch of the tender area wear his cheeks and thighs met. I rolled his waistband over a fourth time. Now his briefs tightly protected his spread apart ass cheeks, but not much else. I slipped my hand under his brief's front and pulled his cock and balls tight against his stomach. He really protested against being fondled. Jerry of course considered himself "straight". I reminded him that I was pulling his cock and balls out of the way for their protection, not my enjoyment…but his cock had a drop of precum.

"Another 100 Jerry…long and slow." Now his pleading and begging started anew, as I picked up my position to his right. He looked back in sheer panic as I positioned myself.

I don't use the razor strap like most tops, I don't like the lack of control of a single arm round house swing of a true double strap, razor strap. Plus, most of those swings don't land with a satisfying "Crack", indicating that the strap landed flat on the target. Instead, I use two hands for each swat.

I take the end of the razor strap in my left hand and raise it above my head. As I release the end, my right hand and arm brings the strap down on the butt's target spot in a snapping motion. It may not sound like that is much force, but bend over and I will demonstrate just how damned painful my razor strap swats can be. Most important to the bottom. The strap lands where I aim it, with a satisfying "CRACK". I can and do land the tip of the strap in the edge of the rectum, with the result being an appropriate scream from the bottom.

Because of his almost upside down, angled position, Jerry couldn't clench is cheeks together as his first swat land dead center on his cotton covered butt and he screamed at the pain. He now knew that this was going to be his worst spanking, because his butt was already sore, sensitive and tender. Three more times, as I stood to his right, the strap landed all over his buns…plus one was a real hard snap on his brief's leg openings, catching sensitive bare skin. He bounced for the first time.

I moved around to his left and duplicated the swats. Now he was beginning to bellow and beg, with his toes clenching and unclenching with each swat. (I can tell as much about the effectiveness of my spanking from the toes as I can from the buns. Bottoms don't think about their toes, only about the pain in their buns…therefore the toes are a more accurate indicator.)

I then took a position directly in front of him. I took dead aim about 12 inches down his thigh and landed a swat apiece on each bare thigh, bringing the strap down and across his cotton covered bun. He bounced two more times.

I repeated this sequence 5 more times. By the time I hit 24 swats he had broken and was openly crying. By the time I hit 60 swats he was incoherent in his begging. His thighs were red, with streaks of strap marks, but only covering about 4" of thigh. That was going to change.

I put the strap on my shoulder and wedgied his briefs. He buns looked like three-day-old hamburger…ground chuck. I massaged them for a few seconds, giving him a chance to stop his crying. Now his thighs were in for it.

Taking my position to his right, ten times the strap landed on his thighs. I made sure each swat landed on the inside of his thigh and the swat pulled across his already red and sore thigh backs. With his legs spread so far apart, it was a snap to land a couple of swats close to the double fabric protecting his now shriveled up balls. He really bounced on those swats.

Then I did the same from the left side. 10 times across his left thigh. Ten bounces and lots of begging and blubbering. He had actually stopped crying. Now it was going to time for his last 20 on the bare butt.

I stood in front of him and pushed his wedgied briefs out of his ass crack and down to about 6" below his buns. His cock hung limp, his balls shriveled tight.

The last 20 went slow. I would move after each swat. First on the right. Then left. Then at his head, looking down at his anus quivering in anticipation. Each swat from the front, now landed on his ass crack, instead of his thighs. He bounced several times with each of these swats. When we hit 98 total swats I gave him two very special session ending swats. One each across the bare soles of his tightly secured feet, quick and hard. Now his feet were clenching, just like his buns.

I went upstairs and retrieved my case and brought it back down to the basement. Jerry thought for sure he was in for more. He wasn't, I just needed to use my ointment to help heal the marks and discoloration of his double spanking. I left him in position for this final treatment. By the time I was thru, and unfastened my ties he was very apologetic. He knew he had fucked up…just like he had many times before. Now, he would be broken of that habit…once and for all.

Jerry Today

Jerry and I seldom get together now. His needs for punishment spankings have dropped off to next to nothing. Just like any child, he wants to avoid the pain of a real punishment spanking, so do all adults. So what is Jerry today.

He is 41, married, expecting a baby boy any day now, and it will have two names starting with "J". In forcing him to continue on with night school, specifically computer classes, his life changed dramatically. The company that he rescheduled that day now uses him as their second programmer. In 18 months, he will receive his BS in computer science. Not only that, his company now is paying him what a college degreed programmer would earn after 2 years experience. Look in the newspaper ads for that income folks. And to think that three years ago he was on welfare. Tell me true punishment spankings won't work…even for a convicted and paroled adult bad boy.


This is the first of 5-6 stories about what has taken place with men who step back and ask for help from an old fashioned Midwest Dad. For Jimka site readers, they know I travel on business all over the midwest, and take the time to meet with folks who are serious about satisfying their spanking needs. On this site I won't chronicle my stories about women. The men's names, physical details and location are purposely vague or changed…but the successes of the stories are all true. And that is what matters.

Also, by the second or third story, I will post to Lee's Spanking Site actual photos of real adult punishment spankings. I sometimes single camera videotape a punishment spanking. Lee has agreed to post short photo stories of one or two of the spankings. These photos will not be of anyone in a posted story. The first, a slender 19 year old college freshman. The second will be an 18-year-old high school senior athlete. My choice of photo subjects is strictly visual folks. Please email me with any comments to jlpspanker@hotmail.com .