My Paddling

I was in school 6th grade. My parents wanted me to go to a school where corporal punishment was inforced. It happened in 1972. I was in gym class and my buddy were fooling around. He hit me in the back with a baseball. I started a fight with him and the teacher saw what was going on. He told me to get the paddle it was about 24" long 4" wide and 3/4" thick.

When I got to the gym all of my class mates were sitting on the floor waiting to see us get paddled, I went first he made me grab my knees, this left me bent over for the paddle. He made me count out loud the # of swats. 1 sir 2 sir and so on till I got to 50 my butt was so sore, I could not sit in class for the rest of the day. When I got home my Dad was waiting for me with his belt in hand. He whipped my butt 50 strokes I could not sit for a week. My butt had blisters and welts on it.

I never got in to a fight in school again. But I did feel that paddle 2 more times that year 10 swats each.

                    Ken Pittsburgh PA