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I was looking for a roommate to share expenses.  A buddy of mine in college wanted to know if I still had a 2 bedroom apartment.  I answered yes, and in doing so, he moved in.

Mike was the type of fellow that worked out regularly and was not too bad looking.  He dressed in baggy jeans, tee shirts and boxers.  The one day I came home and told him that the rent was due, along with the other expenses.  He replied that I should go ahead and pay and at the end of the week, he would give me his half. 

The end of the week came and he did not have the payment ready, in the meantime, the checks for the rent and the electric had bounced.  I confronted him and told him  that if he had paid me on time, this would never had happened.  I told him that he was irresponsible and was acting like a teenager, he was 24 at the time, so I told him that as long as he lived here he would abide by my rules. 

He got upset and apologized many times but that just did not do it.  I brought out my frat paddle and told him that this might make him a little more responsible.  I thought that this deserves more punishment so I took a walk outside and brought back 5 nice and flexible switches, tied them in a bundle.  He was watching me the whole time with a look of fright in his eyes, I told him the the sting is worse than the birch looks. So I summonsed him to the living room, told him to empty his back pockets, he was wearing baggy jeans at the time.  I told him to place his head where t he seat cushions meet the back cushions on the couch.  extend his arms across the top of the couch and spread his legs apart.  there he was, in a birching position.  I told him that he was to receive 5 cracks for every dollar I received in late fees for the bounced checks. So that was 5.00*30.00=150*2=300

I told him that 100 would be with the birch,, so he received it, he counted out each stroke as is made contact with the ass.  He was in tears, but I told him that the session was not over yet.  I brought him to the middle of the room, made him strip to his boxers, (you could see some of the welt marks and some broken flesh, he was to bend over and grab his ankles, 100 cracks of the frat paddle over his boxers, his buttocks look very muscular ( if you want and idea on what his buttocks looked like during the paddling, an image on the web reminds me of that session go to yahoo, look for male spanking male, click on male spanking male videos, click on the discipline and look for wrestle head coach and click, it is the one  where the the dude in bend over perfect and the paddle with holes is applied, but anyway, the 100 cracks had been completed, Mike could hardly stand let alone sit, his eyes were red and his nose was running I told him that he brought this all onto him self but one more session, he begged and pleaded but it did no good, I cannot be bargained with I told him.

The final session was to strip to his bare bottom, band over the desk schoolboy style and count out each stroke of the water soaked switch, swish went the switch, a thud sound followed and Mike's strong voice counted out each of the stinging strokes before long the session was completed.  He apologized over and over and finally I told him to end the session to.....SIT DOWN ON A HARD WOODEN CHAIR!!!!  OUCH Mike was never late again, although there have been a few times I had to take the paddle out, but hey like they say spare the rod, spoil the child, well in this case the young adult if any comments would like to be made,