An Unexpected Visitor


It was an awkward - and  difficult - telephone call.

"Is that Doc Williams?  It's  Robert here!  Terry gave me your telephone number!"

"Well, yes.  This is Doctor Williams.  I can place  a Terry.  But what telephone number are you ringing?'

My telepone number was accurately given.  "Terry - he's a friend of mine and  says he's a friend - well, student - of your's and gave me your number.  In  confidence, like.."

"What are you wanting, Robert?  How can I help you?"

"It's sort of embarrassing.."

"Well so far you are only a voice on the telphone, and so am I.  Each of us could hang up.  There's no need for embarrasment."

"Doctor - well, Terry says that when he needs it you, well, give him 'what for'.  Like he bares his bum and - well, you spank or cane or strap him real (sic) good and hard.  Something like that.  Like that sort of thing.."


"Doc - sir - I am a straight as a die!  Honest to God!  I love my wife and kids.  But I want a guy to - well - give me what's coming on a regular basis, if you know what I mean.  Like Terry gets, or so he says, from you, but harder.  I can get it in imagination from books and have visited some ladies what - who - do it, if you know what I mean  I am a -better husband after, if you know what I mean.   But I want a man to do it to me and on my bare bum.  Hard.  Very,  very hard.  It's got to be an older - not that you are old! - man.  Like a Dad.  Have I rung the right number?  Could you - help?  I'll pay the ladies' fee or even more .."

The thought of payment appalled me.  The prospect of a meeting with Robert  - well - interested me.

To cut a long story short, we met.  At my apartment.

Robert was younger than I had expected.  He was wearing a 'track-suit'.  Clearly, he was nervous.  His age - late 20s at the least, I estimated  - puzzlied me.  He would never have experienced corporal punishment at a school, since such punishment was, in Australia, proscribed by law some two decades ago.  What had led to the development of his 'taste' puzzled me.  His family, perhaps?  An - admirably - strict father?  Who knows?  But who cares?  We all have our little 'quirks' and the sooner we simply accept them as a given, the better!

Initially, I made an error.  "Well Robert," said , when I had invited him in and served us both a cup of coffee.  "What procedures shall we adopt?"

"I dunno!  You're in charge!  You tell me what to do and then I do it and you do it and do it hard, real hard!  Do it so hard - particularly on me (sic) bare bum - that I'll want to yell and go sob, sob, sob but won't.  If it doesn't hurt it won't work!'

I instructed Robert to strip down to his underjocks.  He did so - almost eagerly.  At my instruction, he lay across a chair.  I then administered what I thought was a memorable 'paddling', utilising a paddle purchased in the USA.  I paddled each buttock in turn, watching each buttock quiver and his body lurch slightly upwards when contact was made.  He grunted and gasped, occasionally, but otherwise maintained a dignified silence.   After his ninth stroke I instructed him to lower his jockettes, and administered nine additional strokes across his bared, already well-reddened bum cheeks.  Clearly, however, Robert expected more - and that more he subsequently received!

The details matter little.  Save that his bared and conveniently positioned rump took twelve strokes with a razor strop followed by nine sizzling srtokes with a cane, strokes precisely placed and slowly given.  The exercise was 'finished off' with a hard and protracted  hand-spanking.

I am not, and have no desire to be, a psychologist.  Prescisely what led Robert to yearn for and - appreciately accept - a memorable beating I do not know.  'Memorable'?  Yes!  The red glow of his paddled, strapped, caned and spanked  bum- cheeks, the precisely placed weals from his caning, the all but desperation with which he clasped his quivering bum cheeks and 'massaged' them in a futile attempt to 'squeeze the pain out of them', collectively testified to the ordeal he had - with remarkable restraint and dignity - endured.

His final words said it all.  "It hurts   how it hurts!  Just like it should!  You did it real (sic) good and hard..  Just like Terry says you do it!    Could I come and see you regular like?  Like  - say, every  Friday?  I think it's best on my bum, but a good strapping on my shoulders and legs in addition might be a good idea.."